Around three years ago I met an old friend I had not seen in ages. We sat down over a cup of coffee and caught up. I explained what I was doing, working for the guy, and he explained that he made a living out of internet poker. I guessed he was mad and lazy and that he was a bum living on the street. When we’d finished our coffee, we went into the parking lot, I awakened to my Volvo, and I saw him leaping into a Porsche. What the heck? Was he driving a Porsche?

We’d planned to have dinner afterward on precisely the same week. We met at a neighborhood Chinese restaurant, and above a Peking-duck, we discussed how he’d made more money in a month than I do in 6 months working for the guy.

I guessed he must be a professional player since he was pulling in more money than I could dream of. Well, he was not an expert, or at least that was what he explained. He said he was only the average Joe that found a system that helped him win lots of cash. This is his story in summary.

I started as most players do; I played low-limit tables at different online casinos, mostly getting their bonus. Once I removed it, I went to another website. There’s a lot of competition between the online casinos, and I had lots of work; when one bonus was cleared, there was a reload bonus waiting. I guess I made about $5,000 a month, and I settled for it for perhaps six months. After chasing down those bonuses, I made some friends in the online casino world. I met this man, not a lot different from myself, who was also a bonus-whore but took it one step farther. He explained that there was a lot more cash to be made from the medium-limit tables. He supposed $5/10 tables. I received his directions, which I did; I downloaded a poker calculator that could keep up with the game even when I played with 12 tables at precisely the same time, which was the trick, playing it very tight playing multiple tables. It’s needless to say that besides playing it tight, I played very competitive. Now, after a bit of practice from enjoying several tables simultaneously, I pull in $5,000. . .per week.

I was a bit disturbed. I was working my back off for $3,000 a month, and this man brings in almost two times as much per week from playing poker. He gave me a list of the software she was using, and now, I know how to strike it big in online poker casinos. I use three programs. One is named Poker Edge. It also helps me get the most profitable games going on, and that I utilize Holdem Indicator for money games and Tournament Indicator for Sit And Go’s.

Despite the many sites designed to catch your attention with moneymaking schemes, some people look solid enough. Websites that provide the fundamental”buy and sell” principle have flourished. Look at eBay. Another crazy site that has made plenty of money is free; the community hooked Wikipedia.

The one true thing which makes money on the World Wide Web is Internet online poker. It’s our love affair with gambling that continues to rake in cash for us (some of the time) along with the online casino home (the majority of the time).

What is Internet online poker? Well, it is poker without needing to travel to Vegas. There are no walls, no bouncers, and no visible distractions on the planet. Internet online poker is poker performed right on your houses, with real cash.

You see, playing poker on the Internet isn’t a new idea. It’s simply another vehicle for the game of poker to attract new players to the game. That is the allure of playing poker with your computer to the younger generation: simple access to the sport, and they can learn the game by themselves through free tutorials for internet poker websites.

Since online poker is similar to real-life poker, the previous patrons of casino homes can play together with the computer techies. Who says you can not teach an old dog different tricks? Playing Texas Hold Em on Internet poker places is as stylish and popular now as it was years ago.

The next question is, how will the Internet online poker make me enough money? The solution is easy, by playing with various poker games online. Don’t worry. This isn’t a scam. You really can double your earnings by playing Internet online poker as opposed to heading off to the”brick and mortar casino” homes.

Here is the trick. Internet online poker is performed the same way as any regular poker, except now you’re permitted to play multiple tables. The trick to maximize your winning is by gambling on a meager limit. While playing poker at a casino can only let you play at 1 table, playing online poker takes away the physical barrier and gives you the option to see three to ten matches simultaneously on one screen.

There are no secrets to this. Just play smart, and you’ll make sure to double your winnings from the time the internet poker tournament is finished. In other words, unless woman Luck decides to pass you by.

Another benefit of playing Online online poker is the gain in the number of hands you can play with. The typical casino home had a dealer and might only play 30 hands per hour. When you eliminate the human weakness in the equation and put it in technology, there’s a dramatic increase in the number of hands played. An Internet internet poker game can deal 60 to 80 hands per hour!

This is essentially the gambler’s dream come true. Internet online poker is user-friendly; it is also an expert’s recruitment arena. How did that happen? Well, every year, internet poker rooms hold their annual tournaments called asteroids. And alternatively, of just winning money, the winners can find an entry to real-life poker tournaments and play at the World Series of Poker Tournament.

There have been two documented winners of the World Series of Poker Tournament who gained entrance by playing online poker. Chris Moneymaker (2003) won the principal event and caused a feeling within the poker world. Then another Internet internet poker player, Greg”Fossilman” Raymer, followed Chris’ footsteps when he won the following year’s World Series of Poker.

It is remarkable that by playing poker on the Internet, you can make money and have a chance at making it into real-life poker tournaments. But all this isn’t without sacrifice. You’ll be asked to create an investment, particularly for the Internet internet poker tournaments where an entrance fee and built-in commission are required. It is also possible to get hooked on many Internet online pokers, which real things in your life are beings to endure like career and relationships.